24. August 2023

The fairground layout for Faszination Modellbau 2023 presents itself

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2023 Kirmesanlage Rodriguez 02 scaled uai

Funfair facility: Rodriguez funfair facility

The fairground layout was completely rebuilt in 2 years and is HO scale. It has a size of 16 square meters and has over 25,000 figures, which makes it look alive. With 12 transformers the plant is controlled and it is equipped with over 60,000 Smd.
The rides and stalls are illuminated like at a real Kirchweih. Everything moves and turns. Also hides a naked figure in it.
The plant has the full glow of lights when it is dark. A Faller Car system takes visitors by bus to an open-air festival and to the Kirchweih.
The Bayerische Rundfunk broadcasts live from the Kirchweih procession with countless camera people. The highest ride is the Freefall Tower, where you can enjoy the overview of the entire Kirchweih.

Operator: Thorsten Rodriguez Fernandez, D-90765 Fürth, Germany
Plant size: 4 m x 4 m